Fancards makes your financial security a top priority. We protect your funds and spending with encryption and other safety features to safeguard your transactions from fraud.
Pay With Pride, And Peace Of Mind

Mastercard®️ ID Theft Protection
Mastercard ID Theft Protection provides detection and protection to secure your account from identity theft. This includes monitoring, alerts, and around-the-clock expert resolution. The service is available at no additional charge. It covers your Fancard, along with many other accounts you want to enroll for added protection.
Freeze Anytime
If your card is lost or stolen, deactivate the card in an instant on the Fancard Mobile app! With just a flip of a switch, you can disable your primary or sub-cards to secure your funds. This will prevent any unauthorized debit purchases or ATM withdrawals.

Real-Time Alerts
From your Fancards Mobile App, enable notifications to keep track of spending on your card anytime, any place. The alerts also cover sub-cards registered on your account.
Protecting Your Blindside
Privacy and Security
Our security features support two-step authentication along with fingerprint and facial recognition on the Fancards Mobile app for added login protection.
Safer Than Cash
You cannot recover lost or stolen cash. Using a prepaid debit Mastercard offers layers of security to dispute fraudulent transactions if they occur and recover your funds.
Go Contactless
Add your Fancard to Apple Pay® or Google Pay™ to add an additional layer of encryption to secure your information. With one of the largest collections of digital wallet card art, you can still show team pride when you make contactless payments.